1.Genetic architecture of fatty acid composition in the longissimus dorsi muscle revealed by genome-wide association studies on diverse pig populations. W.-C. Zhang*, J.-J. Zhang*, L.-L. Cui, J.-W. Ma, C.-Y. Chen, H.-S. Ai, X.-H. Xie, L. Li, S.-J. Xiao, L.-S. Huang, J. Ren & Bin Yang. Genetics Selection Evolution. 2016, 48: 5.
2.Possible introgression of the VRTN mutation increasing vertebral number, carcass length and teat number from Chinese pigs into European pigs. J. Yang, L.-S. Huang, M. Yang, Y. Fan, L. Li, S.-M. Fang, W.-J. Deng, L.-L. Cui, Z. Zhang, H.-S. Ai, Z.-F. Wu, J. Gao, J. Ren. Scientific Reports. 2015, 5: 19240.
3.Genome-wide association analyses reveal significant loci and strong candidate genes for growth and fatness traits in two pig populations.R.-M. Qiao*, J. Gao*, Z.-Y. Zhang, L. Li, X.-H. Xie, Y. Fan, L.-L. Cui, J.-W. Ma, H.-S. Ai, J. Ren, L.-S. Huang.Genetics Selection Evolution. 2015, 47:17.
4.Sexually dimorphic genetic architecture of complex traits in a large scale F2 cross in pigs. L.-L. Cui, J.-J. Zhang, J.-W. Ma, Y.-M. Guo, L. Li, S.-J. Xiao, J. Ren, B. Yang, L.-S Huang. Genetics Selection Evolution. 2014, 46(1): 76 (SCI IF 3.747).
5.Three novel quantitative trait loci for swine skin thickness identified by genome-wide association study. H.-S. Ai*, S.-J. Xiao*, Z.-Y. Zhang, B. Yang, L. Li, Y.-M. Guo, G.-S. Lin, J. Ren, L.-S. Huang.Animal Genetics. 2014, 45(4):524-33 (SCI IF 2.210).
6.A further look at porcine chromosome 7 reveals VRTN variants associated with vertebral number in Chinese and Western pigs. Y. Fan*, Y.-Y Xing*, Z.-Y. Zhang, H.-S. Ai, Z.-X. Ouyang, J. Ouyang, M. Yang, P.-H. Li, Y.-Y. Chen, J. Gao, L. Li, L.-S. Huang, J. Ren. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8: e62534 (SCI IF 3.730).
7.Mapping and fine mapping of quantitative trait loci for the number of vertebrae in a White Duroc × Chinese Erhualian intercross resource population. D.-R. Ren*, J. Ren*, G.-F. Ruan, Y.-M. Guo, L.-H. Wu, G.-C. Yang, L.-H. Zhou, L. Li, Z.-Y. Zhang, L.-S. Huang.Animal Genetics. 2012, 43: 545-551 (SCI IF 2.584).
3、江西省教育厅(GJJ09478), 猪腹脂脂肪细胞数量与大小的表型分析及基因定位,2009-2011,1万,主持,已结题